Iron Throne is one of the latest and ambitious games of Netmarble, which is frequently mentioned with its MMORPG games developed on mobile platform. With the help of Lineage 2, the company responds to the question of MMORPG on the mobile platform, and with Iron Throne, which has been developed for 3 years, it succeeds in adding some strategy elements to the event.
Iron Throne, which hosts a fantastic world, will also give details of the city development, resource collection, as well as dynamics, as well as a very enjoyable war system. The most important feature of the game is to go differentiated in such known dynamics. Especially the interventions on the battlefield and the cinematic development of the battles underline the differences in how different the game is on the mobile platforms. In classic strategy games, if you are defeated by a battle, you lose most of what you have, and you need a long process to regroup. That’s why players often avoid big battles.

With Iron Throne’s battle system, players can enter into a real war without hesitation, without fear of war. Having a history full of magical powers, reigns and dragons, Iron Throne has a scenario based on the throne struggle, as its name suggests. Together with different dimensions and a quick introduction, the story of the game continues to be gradually absorbed by the player. At this point, a chosen person dynamics was added to the game. Because the factors such as building, developing, and activating private areas are also connected to the subject of the chosen person.
Iron Throne is quite large and has a clear map structure. As soon as you go out of the city, you encounter other players and you begin to understand how much more you have to do. The foundation of the game is based on production, collection, hunting, building and craft system. If you perform these basic elements correctly, you can improve your city to the extent that you want. Although you have to wait a bit in the following levels, the game has also loaded the balance to the elements of war and other gameplay dynamics. In other words, you do not have to wait while your city is developing and you can take time from the portals and the map system.
In the war system, there are some elements that you should be aware of. First of all, you need to press the troops you need in the city before entering the war, and you can give them training if you wish. Just before the war, you must place your units correctly. So if you drive the archers from the front, the opposing troops can destroy them. Therefore, the order is important. At the time of war, you can change the course of this war with the extra features you gained over time. You can send a gigantic Ogre to the battlefield, or defeat enemy troops with factors like the meteor shower.
At this point, let’s not forget the hero system. You start the game with a hero who leads your army, but this number is increasing as you play. Moreover, as you can develop your city and your troops, you can also develop your heroes. In addition, each hero has a different feature. For example, some people increase the speed of construction, while others give you extra features in collecting resources. At the same time, you can use these features in a much more active way with the accessories you give to these heroes and you can reduce their time. You can also assign selected heroes to different tasks at the same time. You can designate heroes of high construction as architects or choose heroes who are experienced in welding to be your treasurer. In the assignment you can find information, such as the Guardian or the Guardian Guard who protects your castle.
The key to the game is to improve your city and fortress as much as possible. What you’re going to do is improve your combat and your combat troops as well as other players. As you progress, you also unlock new features. As I said at the beginning, as in every strategy game, resource pinning and resource management is very important in Iron Throne. You need to develop yourself in parts such as mining and farming in order not to have problems with welding.
The Dimension Gate in your city is one of the stages of the game and one of its scenarios. As with games with exploration, you are also progressing step by step, and at every step you start to collect rewards. PVP dynamics are also very important in the game. Clans formed among the players to fight against other players while trying to raise your own clan to the rankings. Different modes, such as the Battle Royale mode, which supports 20 team battles or up to 20 players, are among the game’s extras.
As a result, Iron Throne is on the mobile platform, but with a significant feature. Iron Throne is also very challenging with its successful graphics and pushes the limits of the mobile platform. Intermediate scenes during the war strengthened both the cinematic structure and managed to add a different air to the game. In short, Iron Throne is a game that will satisfy the likes of the type of players have managed to be very satisfied.