The new face of terrorists: Bioterror
Tom Clancy games are one step ahead of all other peers in the military sense. The Splinter Cell, Ghost Recon and Rainbow Six are the series of battles you’ve heard and have tried at least one of them. In the Splinter Cell series, while keeping privacy a bit like a shadow, we were at Ghost Recon a bit ahead of our time in the fight against terror. But the place of Rainbow Six has always been separate between these series. Rainbow Six, the first game of which was released in 1998, has been a series that has been loved and counted since then.
When we open the game for the first time a video about the theme of the game welcomes us. A woman who is a spokesperson for the Rainbow unit talks about the current terrorist incidents and the need to counter these terrorist incidents in our own way. We were in 2008 when the last game of Rainbow Six, Vegas 2, was released. The game, which examined the structure and existing threats of the world according to the year it was released, had revealed the current terror problems of the time and had done a great job in this regard. It’s been 7 years since Vegas 2 has been over, and with the last 7 years, our world has changed. Together with our world, international factors such as policies, country borders, politics, daily human problems, economy, war economy and so on have changed.

As a result of these changes, terrorist organizations have gained different ambitions and they continue to grow stronger. All nations in the world are now faced with dangers that they have never met before. In our world we now have a frightening term called bioterrorism. Here’s the theme of Siege. We need to prevent the terrorist organizations, which are becoming more and more dangerous, to grow stronger with bioterrorism and to defeat the nations.
‘’Walls can’t stop us!’’
When the opening video of the game is over, Rainbow Six: Siege welcomes you with a bunch of brave soldiers and wants you to press a key to get to the main menu. Unfortunately, Siege does not have a single player mode. Of course there is a group of activities that you can do alone in the game, but I cannot say that you will have a lot of fun in doing these things. The game’s main pleasure is playing with your teammates.
There are three main game modes in the game. The name of our first game mode is Situations. You can simulate this game mode to a practice mode. Situations have 10 positions. These 10 missions in the game will show you the mechanics of the game in order to gain some points before you enter online matches. Using these points, you can get yourself a few characters before entering online matches. You can use Situations, which do not offer anything other than such small maps, to warm up to the game.
The second game mode is called Terrorist Hunt. In this game mode you are fighting against enemies managed by artificial intelligence by inviting friends or by creating a team with the game’s online team mate finding system. You can determine the difficulty levels of the enemies you will encounter in this mode, you can play alone. The game selects the map and game mode for each task. Each setting and choice is up to you.
We came to the game’s latest and naturally most popular mode: Multiplayer. In this mode, where two teams of five fight against each other, one team takes on the role of Defense and the other team as Attack. Each round is changing these roles, which makes the changes in the game constantly change.
While on the defensive side, your goal is to protect your area and prevent your enemies from saving the hostage or seizing the pack. In general, it’s as simple as that. In order to fulfill your mission and ensure that no one is approaching you, you are taking barricades to the doors, you are building metal supports on the walls, you are placing detectors in front of the doors, and you are drawing wire fences. In short, you are doing your best to prevent the Attack squad from reaching its goal. Things are a little more complicated when you’re on the offensive. When you start round about 20 seconds, you are trying to identify your mission within the target area with the camera droids you have with your team. Before starting a mission in the old Rainbow Six games, we would review the map and choose the most appropriate route for our mission. We’ve been adjusting our weapons and equipment according to these task paths. This map system has now been removed and turned into action. We draw the map with our own eyes and we determine our way through our camera. If you cannot find your destination during the time you use the camera, your job may become a little more difficult. Because you don’t know where the target is, you don’t know which way to go and where to go. This increases the time you spend and put you in more dangerous situations. You can find yourself against the nose with the opposite team.
We’ve been adjusting our weapons and equipment according to these task paths. This map system has now been removed and turned into action. We draw the map with our own eyes and we determine our way through our camera. If you cannot find your destination during the time you use the camera, your job may become a little more difficult. Because you don’t know where the target is, you don’t know which way to go and where to go. This increases the time you spend and put you in more dangerous situations. You can find yourself against the nose with the opposite team.
You have to be very cautious when you are in the attack squad and you don’t know where the enemy is hiding and in which room you are waiting. Otherwise, you may experience distressing situations. It is difficult to find enemies before the round starts because the section is too big. That’s why you need to move cautiously, be quiet and act in a team. Of course, the remaining four members of the team were doing so. But in the beginning you can experience inexperience. All your team mates find enemies with their droid cameras and prepare to dive in front of a door. You go in front of the room on the right wing of the room waiting in front of you and took your sledgehammer to shake the wall with Sledge character. After slicing the wall with a hammer, you sneaked in. There will probably be a few bullets coming through the clouds of gas to your face.
‘’Break the walls, break the defense!’’
Now we are going to talk about the most spectacular feature of the Rainbow 6: Siege. Already in recent years in the games around you have become accustomed to the breaking of the surface. But Siege offers this feature to the players in a much more elaborate way, moving it a few steps forward. Without exaggeration, you can tear every surface around you. You can dive into a room from the ceiling, from the floor and even from the wall. If you want, you can shoot by shooting with your gun, or if you like Sledge, break it with a sledgehammer or explode it with explosives. At Siege you have every opportunity to break a surface and this gives you a lot of tactical advantage. Let’s say you have to go into a room. First you look at the camera from under the door and see in which direction the enemies are waiting for you. Accordingly, you determine the direction to enter the room and you’re going through the wall. The enemies, whose attention has been turned away, fall into the trap of what they have suffered. Siege has such tactical considerations. Aggressive, but tactical.
For the last words, I’ll touch on the graphics in the game. Rainbow Six: Siege has the “smooth” feel of the visuals in other games of the series. The game has very clean visuals. Everything looks just fine for this kind of game. Of course he doesn’t offer such “perfect” visuals. But it’s enough in its own right.