An easy to understand game for those who have played previous games of the series EU4. Just a few innovations and a few changes. My guess is that you will be able to adapt to the game in a short time with two playing. So, while you are playing the game in the next room, let me detail the EU series or friends who have never played games like this.

As I mentioned, the game starts in 1444, 9 years before Istanbul was captured by the Ottomans. As in the game in the similar period, we have the opportunity to choose all the states known at that time. In addition, the game according to the date and period of the game, you can select the important nations that can be selected. For example, the first two scenarios are the Rise of Ottomans and the Fall of Byzantium.
Two of the most important features of the game outside the EU4 cloud save and Iron Man system. With the Cloud system, you can save the game via Steam Cloud and resume from where you left off on another computer. In this case, the local save feature continues. Iron Man is a system that is now available in the latest strategy games and does not allow you to correct your mistake. You have a single save slot on this system. The option to continue with different nations is turned off in each Paradox game, which adjusts Autosave to its own head and reopens your saved game.
While the innovations outside of gameplay are this far, there are many nice features in the game. First of all, there is now quite a nice convenience in the production of buildings and unions. In the upper right corner of the screen, under the nation shield, the Production Interface section allows you to create any unit in the city of your choice. This panel shows you where this unit or building will be built. This way you don’t have to walk around the city.