Imagine all the epic scenes of the Dragon Ball world gather in one place. Dragon Ball FighterZ lets you make all of these moments as you wish. Dragon Ball Fighter Z is definitely the most noticeable fighting game of this year, although it’s a lot of games for the popular anime, even more than Xenoverse.

Let’s talk about the contents of the game. As the players of the Xenoverse series will know, there is a social space in Dragon Ball games. This place, called the Social Hub, is a place where players can interact with each other like in Destiny 2 and Call of Duty: WWII. Here we can navigate the mini-versions of the characters in the game with different NPCs. These NPCs have modes such as store, arcade mode, training and online fighting. Here you can interact with other players, you can use the stickers provided by the game.
There are a lot of activities you can participate in in the social environment. You can do training, participate in normal fights, make graded matches with other players and join my personal favorite arena. The arena is located in the middle of the social space. Players entering here can create their own tournaments with the participation of the players around, and share their trumps with each other. In short, you will spend most of your time here while playing Dragon Ball FighterZ.
Dragon Ball FighterZ also features a story mode. This story is an alternative to the Android 16, which is alive, while preparing the player for the game, while also offering a successful storytelling. The story presented in the chapter is going through maps that are linked to each other.
You can encounter different opponents with the Turn right given to us on the part maps presented to us, or you can switch directly to the section break monster. Shortly after the completion of the task map, we continue our journey to another map after the short cinematics. Let’s just say that you don’t have to play any Dragon Ball game or watch the anime to play Dragon BaLL FighterZ’s story mode. Already in this game’s story mode is a mode that forces you to learn characters in general. Immediately after you’re finished, you’re ready for online fights.