Previously, Hatred’s developer, Destructive Creation’s new game Ancestors Legacy, takes us back to the bloody, brutal history of the middle Ages. The story mode of the Ancestors Legacy, which wants to bring a new breath to the real-time strategy type, may also be of interest to non-genre players.
Ancestors Legacy’s story mode; there are four different countries: Vikings, Anglo-Saxons, Germans and Slavs. The first chapter of the story mode, which is a historical war of each country, begins in 793. Jarl Ulf Ironbeard, a Viking headman, travels to England to Nortumbria to plunder the Lindisfarne monastery with other chiefs. However, the unity of Ulf, who lost his way in the storm, makes the other part of the island, the Anglo-Saxon village, Bamburgh. Thus, the control of a Viking unit is also left in our hands. This kind of strategy games to progress in a way that is connected to the story, step by step to tell you the game has increased the fluency of the game.

For example, find the leader in the beginning of the game, then combine with your allies, archers at the back, like finding a resource, stepping forward in the scenario with mini missions, adhering to the task, connecting you to a goal, playing the game, knowing what to do. It allowed you to enter the story. These tasks are sometimes looting a village, sometimes against a large union, to defend the village you have just captured, and sometimes to an exploration with a small unit, to find resources for your union’s needs. Sometimes there are tasks such as riding in the woods to track down their captive allies.
When you take on the new main task, you will be warmed to the task you are doing by watching the video with the in-game images. In the end of the episode, the animation films, which are prepared with a very nice drawing, give a clue about what we will encounter in the new chapter and integrate with the story. Ancestors Legacy’s storytelling, intermediate scenes, voiceovers and illustrations have been used extensively.
The use of geographic conditions in Ancestors Legacy is critical in developing a war strategy. To dominate the use of the map, to make the discovery and ambush your enemy, especially using long bushes, is quite important. It is critical to plan the ranking of the places you will seize in order not to have to defend the enemy attacks from different fronts. The day and night cycle of the Ancestors Legacy is a day and night cycle, and the strategies you develop will change. Burning the torch at night allows you to move fast on the road, while at the same time making enemies see you more quickly. These and other variable conditions, such as the dynamic structure of the game feeds.
Ancestors Legacy has different units of each country. These troops also have different characteristics that vary within themselves. There are various defense and attack positions of the union you manage. For example, in a way that is unique to the Vikings, you can build a circle of defenses in the defenses, and you can go into an effective defense against archer attacks. You must also rest your soldiers in the camps for your union to be treated.
As the soldiers rest, the wounds are cured and healed. Your troops at your disposal, the wars and victory as you gain, your level of unity is increasing. Increasing level of unity brings new features. It is very important to set up a trap when defending against enemy attacks. With the traps you set up, you can strike your enemy before you start the war. We have mentioned that map information is very important. In story mode, it is important to develop strategies for map discovery, attack or defense, but also to open up new side missions.
These side missions are usually about destroying enemy camps. Of course, it is not easy to feed an army, to feed and to replace the dead soldiers. For this, more villages should be looted, camps must be set up, peasants should work to meet your needs, and you must produce troops for your army. A variety of structures that you can build, such as the training area for training your troops, tents for more troops, and defense buildings, are elements that can help you improve your army. As you capture new territories, new technical and military features are available. As you build advanced structures, your diversity is growing. Like high-mounted or equestrian infantry, such as equestrian units, troops with high firepower will join your army.
You have to take control of the mines in between the areas that can be captured and eri persuade eri the peasants to work for you. Once we get the mines, the blacksmithing features become available. These mining camps are very important for you to wear better armor for your troops. Similarly, in order to build and build buildings that will enable you to build larger military units in new military training areas, it is necessary to conquer wood camps.
In order to meet the food needs of your troops, you can send the villagers to find food or farming. Your eyes need to be constantly on these resources menu. Even an instant drop in production causes your army to remain hungry. For armor development, the mine is able to take you back to where you started, as there is a constant need for the headroom to develop the headquarters.
Online games have two game modes, Annihilation and Domination. You are trying to capture and hold certain villages on the map. In Annihilation, damage your opponent’s resources as much as possible to prevent production. Especially for online matches, it is very important to use the map properly. The design of the maps is quite good, and the day and night cycle ensures that each match is different. Each game follows a different strategy and playing the game makes online matches quite fun. But you have to endure long waiting periods to find opponents. Of course if you say my opponent is ready, you can prepare your own competition and invite your friend to the match you set up. We can say that confident players in strategy games will enjoy the online mode of Ancestors Legacy. Although not active at the moment in the coming period, the game will also feature the ability to enter online matches.
To sum up, the Ancestors Legacy is a must-have for strategy game enthusiasts. It is a construction that makes a difference with a realistic point of view and a long playing time that we can experience different war stories of four different countries. Apart from the story mode, players who want to test their skills on online matches will increase the playing time considerably.